
Sexual Assault Prevention Tips - Don't Become a Victim

This book will take you on a realistic journey of a women who was a victim of child molesting by one of her own family relative. Paige Dearth was a victim of child rape. Paige escaped from her pedophile uncle at the age of 19 and got married. She married and moved to Chula Vista, California. After two years of being married, she got pregnant, only to find out her husband was addicted to heroin. When her baby was eight months old she moved back to Pennsylvania. It is Paige's faith that kept her strong and able to face all of her fears to bring such a wonderful true to life story.

I have to say that it is an honor to be asked by Paige to review her book, I could feel the pain that Paige endured as a child. I love to read books to learn from them, but this book taught me how Paige endured her hardships but kept the fight of life to be better and overcome such horrific torment. It is proof that Paige can encourage and inspire each of her readers despite her lifetime trials.

Main Character is Alessa (Meaning defender of mankind), at age seven years old found her uncle in her bed, forcing sex upon her. Alessa is the youngest of four kids.

Main Character is Caterina whom was the youngest of 14 children, Alessa's Mother.

In Alessa's family turmoil was what Alessa's family thrived on, whereas all Alessa wanted is to be around people who would make her feel loved and like she belonged in her family. This is not the case as she is the outcast everywhere she goes. Alessa's family was very poor making her life all that much harder in the real world.

How did Uncle Danny get to Alessa? At age six Alessa's grandma died and this was her best friend. Grandma made Alessa feel special, unlike all of the other family members. So during and after the funeral Uncle Danny made Alessa feel comforted, warm and loved. Alessa felt loved for the first time since Granny died. Uncle Danny was well liked by all family members; he made money, funny and well-rounded type of guy. Danny was the type of guy anyone whom would love to be around and like. Danny's girlfriend dies in a tragic car accident which brought him to realize he needed to be around family so Caterina offers a room for him. This helped Danny and Caterina because he needed a place to live and he paid rent for the room which in turn helped out Caterina with daily necessities the poor family needed.

At night Uncle Danny would comfort Alessa and let her fall asleep in his bedroom. Then around six months after granny died, Uncle Danny "raped" Alessa. This made Alessa feel isolated and alone, at the age of seven. After the first rape, Alessa started to sleep in her own bed and Uncle Danny would enter into the room late at night and continue the abuse.

By the time Alessa is nine years old, Uncle Danny made it a nightly ritual to help himself to Alessa. By the time she was 12, Uncle Danny wanted more from her and decided to have sex in ways "only a pedophile would do."

Alessa childhood was robbed but despite it all it did prepare her with the resilience to hold on to her own dreams and later in life be greatly blessed.