Leadership is the most important thing when you are in a workplace, and are handling a team. People who reach this position should be well aware of the qualities of an effective leader. For those who are not aware, there are a number of books that can help you know about what it takes to be a just and true leader.
1) 'What Ever Happened to Accountability' by Thomas E. Ricks
The message in this book is simple and straight. The subtitle says "when leaders don't fire the under performing employees; they send a bad message across the whole organization." Marshal, who was the chief of the US Army, was intolerant towards excuses and bad performance. This helped him become a great leader. When companies allow poor employees to work, success factor becomes low. You must read this book to know how to lead.
2) 'The Warrior Ethos' by Stephen Pressfield
Pressfield is one of the most brilliant writers of history. The Warrior Ethos deals in how to build up an efficient warrior. It explores all genres of warrior ship from the ancient times to the 20th century. The book tells you about the journey of being an effective leader, and understanding the intricacies that one has to face in the process.
3) 'How Will You Measure Your Life' by Clayton M. Christensen
A brilliant writer like Christensen is sure to motivate you through his articles and write ups like this one. This is a great way to enlightenment for everyone from teenage kids to your spouse, and also the senior leaders of a team. After reading the book, you will be able to answer three most important questions, "how to be sure that you'll be contented with your career" "how to be sure if your relationship with your spouse will be a good decision for your family" "how to keep yourself away from jail".
4) 'When am I Leaving Goldman Sachs?' by Greg Smith
Greg Smith beautifully portrays the idea of how to carry forward the qualities of an effective leader. It is important to understand the simple idea of being a leader in a business, that if the employees are not going to trust you, they will eventually leave the company. Leaders should live up to their core values, and motivate those who are working with him. This is a must read for those who have just come to be leaders, and who have already made a name in the same.
5) 'Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption' by Laura Hillenbrand
If you are depressed about something, this book is just for you. It teaches us how to be strong in times of despair. The summary lies in a simple but powerful line "the trials we go through in our life, prepare us for even worse times." This is a great help for leaders and people who are facing tough times in their life.